Friday, July 17, 2009

My Little Boy's Shaklee Story

I first want to tell you a little bit about Shaklee as a company and explain why I picked this company. Let me preface this with the statement I support any company that is green, but I think there are a lot of companies that are just trying to jump on the green bandwagon because that is what consumers are looking for. That does not by any means mean they are a green company.

For example Green Works by you really think we buy in to the statements that they are a green company...I don't think we are that stupid. They make bleach! They still produce in the same factories they always did before with all the toxins they produce and they are not alone. I do not mean to pick on them. There are many in the same boat.

If you do your research you will find that not just for cleaning products, for any product that claims to be "all natural" it actually only has to contain 10% natural ingredients to claim it is be sure that you keep that in mind.

Ok, so back to the main subject. I speak of the cleaning products first because that is the product line that drew me to Shaklee. In 2007 I saw the Oprah Earth Day special. I watch as the Shaklee founders Roger and Sloan Barnett speaking about their son having asthma and how he ended up in the hospital severely ill. They started doing their research. There was no genetic reason that he should so it had to be environmental. Well come to find out it was their cleaning products..I looked in to this.I had a 4 year old boy that had been on allergy medicine since 3 months of age. At the time I saw this program 4 different medicines a day, not counting when he had to have breathing treatments. Through his childhood he had several health issues that stemmed from his allergy problems. Ear Infections, Phenomena, Respiratory Infections it goes on and on. They all came from the excess drainage that he had and these things would be the long term effect. He had indoor allergies instead of outdoor allergies as a lot of children do. When you have a child that has indoor allergies most doctors automatically tell you it's dust. After seeing an allergy specialist the outlook was pretty grim. He could have shots for 3-5 years and hope they would cure them, but there was no guarantee. I had the picture that this poor child would be that kid! You know the one..he can't play sports, he can't run without an inhaler, you send 3 medicines a day to school. I felt horrible.

Over the years I purchase a air purifier for every room in the house. I only vacuumed once a week and my husband took him out of the house for the after math of the stirring up of the dust after the vacuuming. I took every precaution I could for this poor little thing. It didn't get me anywhere. I even went to a house that had hard wood floors. They are supposed to be better than carpet because you can actually see the dust build up on the floors where you can't with carpet and stay on top of it better.

So going back to that Earth day..I thought well, I have to try these products. So I went on the website..I bought the entire cleaning line including the laundry. I got rid of everything else in my house exactly as they said. I followed the entire line. Fast forward about 2 1/2 months. I went through what all mom's dread!! I had my wisdom teeth taken out..yuck! So yes I was a little drugged. I tried to stay on top of things as much as I could between the pain killers and laying on the couch as much as I could:) After the 4th day after the surgery it hit me...oh my gosh...I had not given him his allergy medicine in 4 days!!!! I was freaking out. The usual effect was day one eyes are watering, day 2 they are swollen shut and the cough won't stop. Day's time for the hospital or the doctor. He needs shots no other way to fix it..Here I stood looking at a healthy happy little boy without a sign of allergies. And I was at Day 3. I tell you that part of the story to keep me from feeling like a horrible mom for not giving my son his medicine:) But if that had not happened I would have never known he didn't need the medicine. He was allergic to the toxins in the cleaning products.

So we trucked ourselves back to the doctor, then to the specialist. What was the answer..amazement get him off all those medicines. Here we sit two years later. He has NO allergy medicines. I do have to watch if he is going to go somewhere for a long period of time that does not use the cleaning products. But believe me I either tell people they much switch and if it comes down to it, heck I buy it for them:) All the grandparent's have switched their homes, the schools have now. It is amazing.

So you can see from that why I chose Shaklee:) Tomorrow I will tell you a little about Shaklee's heritage and why they are truly a green company in my opinion...I think I have kept you long enough today:)

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